Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 186

Just a snapshot for this day because well its when my sickness started in and well had to lay down. I got to thinking why must we battle, if we just come together, treat the other as we would want to be treated there would be no battle just genuine love between one another. Yes there will be days when its harder than others to do these things but I really don't think God intended it to be such a battle but to be such a special relationship! I mean everyone says well if he did this then I would do that and then the other one say well if she did this I would do that. Why?  If we give with the gift of love then all the returns will be gained and we wont have to worry so much about what the other is doing, we will just genuinely love our spouse so that we truly want them to be happy and feel cherished! Thankful my husband has such a sweet sweet attitude towards this in our marriage. No things have not always been perfect and we have had our many trials but God gave us a miracle and I am thankful for it everyday and I choose to cherish it and not battle for my needs versus his needs!


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