Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 105

Busy day yesterday so I do apologize for the late post.

I was so very excited about getting this shot yesterday. It took me, mom, and dad to get this shot but it was so worth it!  She wasn't very happy with us but she did an awesome job posing for us. LOL

Good:  morally excellent, right, proper, honorable, worthy

We try to be good people, we try to be the best people we know to be but there is only one that is truly good and that is our Savior! No matter how good we try to be, we still stumble, we still make messes, we still are just human! Sometimes as a christian women I get overwhelmed with having to be perfect all the time. Trying to be the best that I can be! And then I feel ashamed when I get angry, harbor resentment, find I have bitterness lurking in my heart. I hid from these things a lot. I have learned I am a good hider and that in fact is not good because eventually it has to be uncovered and we have to deal with all the pain we hold in our hearts. I wish that life was pain free but its not. We will have good times and we will have bad times. I just hope I can stop hiding from the things that hurt me and confront them head on in my life from now on! Life is so very complicated and can get in a  mess in no time if we are not careful to go to God daily and let him direct our paths.  


Liza said...

gorgeous shot & beautiful baby!

Kat said...

Thank you!

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