Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 111

Well I just realized that I had not taken any Eastery Pictures! Actually I haven't even taken Easter pics of my kids yet, I know shame on me! So to get me in the mood here is a start! My kids dyed a few eggs last night so that gave me shots for today!

Incline: to lean, bend

"That he may incline our hearts unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, which he commanded our fathers."  1 Kings 8:58

I want my heart to lean towards God! I want to walk in His ways! I want to acknowledge Him in all I do! I want to go forward and know that if I step out and I am scared, scared of being hurt, scared of what people will think, that I will be leaning so much on God that I will know that I will be okay because my strength comes from Him! When I lean on Him then I know that everything will work out for the good and the good things that He wants to bless me with in this life. When I start leaning to more of what I want, that is when I seem to get in trouble, that is when things sneak in my heart and start causing more pain than they have too because when I lean on him for understanding I see things differently then when I lean on my own understanding. My understanding is limited and hopeless but His understanding is amazing! Yes he sees beyond my weakness, he sees beyond my sins, he sees my future, he sees what he created me to become! 

Can I be honest? Sometimes when my understanding is leaning towards myself, I go into that wrong thought pattern of its just too hard to live for God, he ask me to give up to many things, its too much pressure. I get so off track! But then he gently nudges me and says "I love you my child, I am at work in your life, I have a plan for you, I have a future for you that is greater than these others things that you think are hard to give up, those things will pass away my child but what I have for you is something that is stored up in Heaven for ever and ever" then I come to my senses and realize that what I want, what I really want, all comes from the God who created all things and knows my heart inside out. The things I gain are so far greater than the things I think I miss out on in this life sometimes. Truly I don't miss out on anything, but the things I give up protect me, they are my barriers to keep me safe, to keep my mind set up on God! I love my God! He knows exactly what I need, when I need it! I get upset sometimes, thinking He is not hearing a word that I say but then He shows me how amazingly awesome He is to me!  Let us all lean on God, His benefits out weigh anything this world has to offer you! Give it a try, I promise you will see His blessing forevermore!

I try to pray daily "Lord help me to see as you see"! This helps me to incline my heart towards Him!

Have a great one everyone!


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