Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 122

I am so very excited that watermelons are back out! Oh how I love these yummy things! Now hopefully stop snacking on all the bad things for me and indulge on one of my favorite things to eat! Can I tell you how aggravated I was when I got home with my first watermelon and I cut it open, ready for a juicy piece and I see white! Oh my it was so gross, yes I had to try it, not sure why just did. Anyways had to end up going back to the store to get me this yummy red watermelon!

I was thinking this morning, how the sound of me waking to my mothers prayers was so refreshing as a child. I guess as a child I never thought of the things she might be going through and what those prayers really meant to her spirit during those times in her life.  I guess as we get older we look at things differently but what I do figure is that all of our times of trying, testing are for a purpose. Even though those times were probably hard for her, those prayers she prayed were used to refresh her soul and to set a memory, a witness to her children on how much she truly depended on her Savior. Amazing those prayers she prayed are still at work and God still uses them to this day to show me things in my life. Thanks mom for always depending one that gives us strength from day to day!

You know what watermelon sounds good about now!

A picture of the nasty white watermelon! Yuck!


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