Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 118

I know, I know! No post for a few days, I was out of town visiting with family and everyone knows I have to edit before posting.

Anyways it was a good day! We stopped by this awesome little poboy shop on the way to my sister n laws because well they have some of the best roast beef poboys (even though my oldest daughter doesn't agree but she doesn't know good food so who cares). Anyways it was so yummy so worth the extra calories! I do believe it will be one of stops we do every time now. My hubby says I remember wrong sometimes but he agreed I remembered right this time about the scrumptious poboy. Anyways they had this coca-cola tin under the booths and so I snapped a shot (after my hubby asked if it was okay to get a picture of course, everyone knows I like to follow the rules) so I give thanks to my hubby for asking for me.

Oh also once we got to my sister n laws we went to wally world and me and my hubby ended up embarrassing my sister n law in the store because well we were acting like kids. Yes! Yes! I got on the end of the buggy and he pushed me quite fast down the middle aisle of walmart. I love having fun with my hubby, it is a great feeling! Sorry everyone but I have to give mucho love to my hubby!

Anyways on to the next blog since I am way behind!


Anonymous said...

It felt good to be a kid again if only for a moment... And with you! Some people thought it was funny, you could see them smiling :)


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