Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 126

Weed: a valueless plant growing wild

This weed might seem valueless to some but to me I knew I could make into something beautiful. I am glad that is how my Savior sees me. I might be a weed to some, not valuable in any way, wretched, weak but my Savior saw me and said I can make her valuable to me and I am! I am valuable to certain ones in my life but not because of who I am but because of what God has made me to be, a unique person that  He purposed to use in this life!

Sometimes I wonder why He tries so hard when we are such stubborn people, selfish really. I am glad He sees beyond my selfishness and sees the heart of who I am, He sees what He created me to be even though my selfish motives get in the way sometimes. He always gently nudges us back into the place He wants us to be if we are willing to quit fighting and follow His leading.  I am glad that He loves me so deeply! That His love is so wide for me that it is beyond my imagination!

I am glad He took a weed and is making something beautiful out of it! Everyone wants to be a flower because they are beautiful but they also are fragile but a weed, its strong, its determined! I want to be beautiful don't get me wrong but I want to be a weed sometimes, I want to be strong, I want to be determined that no matter what comes my way that under all the ugliness of a weed there is something beautiful that is strong, determined to make it through whatever weather comes my way, whether it be rain or a bright shiny day to show all the beauty hiding underneath. I want to be strong and determined in my walk with God, always trusting in Him to bring about His plans for my life. His plan is to bring beauty to my life and that's really all I need!

(Texture from Shadow House Creations,


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