Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80

I have decided that not every day can be a great photo day so as I was looking around my house for something to photograph I decided a jar with beans. I know not great but my inspiration was gone today.

I have been reading an ebook I found the other day on the book of Ruth and how we influence at all times for good or bad. Is what we do reflect what we want to influence people with or are we influencing in a negative way. But then you have to ask as well if you are being true to yourself and who you really are as a person.  Do we try to be bright and cheery all the time because well that is what Christians do and we want to shed that into other peoples life's. Which is good and fine and wonderful! But don't forget to be true to yourself! Remember that you are human and that life just isn't a bed of roses all the time. I am not saying you have to share that with the world but find a friend that you can trust and confide in them. It is hard being happy all the time. Sometimes we get so stuck into thinking we must be happy all the time that we even deceive ourselves that we are happy. Until one day its uncovered and we discover that we were hiding from ourselves. Be careful to be honest with yourself and where  you are at right now! I will be honest, I have good days and I have bad days. Not everyone sees my bad days but there are a few that I trust with my bad days and I am glad they are in my life! They help keep me real!


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