Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 81

I was reading some old prayer journals today. This is one of the things I found "Thanks for making mountains bumpy so we can climb it to reach you". Bumpy mountains, yes sometimes they are steep but they are still a little bumpy so that we can find footing to make it to the top. And yes we don't like the bumps and we don't like how steep they are at times. But just as a mountain climber would not climb without the proper gear, we too need certain gear to make it to the top of our figurative mountain. There are things that are so needed and without them we will never reach the top safely.

We get bruises, we get scrapes and we gets bumps along the way but those are just minimal scars needed so that when we see them we can remember the journey that God brought us safely through and that when we reach another mountain that God will indeed bring us safely to the top just like He did in time past. We will look back and we will see that little scar and remember how we felt God was so far away but in reality He was closer than we ever thought imaginable, we just couldn't see him through all the fog and barriers in our way. But when we reached the top we saw everything so clearly. 

I know I am stuck on this lately but it is just something God keeps speaking to my heart right now.

Have a wonderful evening!


Anonymous said...

love the pictures and your words! excellent all around!

Kat said...

Thanks Mike!

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