Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60

Good Morning! I was walking the dog this morning and I saw this view and decided it would my image for the day. Besides I have two sick people at home today and lots of cleaning to get done so I wasn't sure if I would have time for any picture taking today.

 I was reading in Exodus this morning and they had to redeem the donkey with a lamb for a sacrifice in the old testament. I guess we are donkeys then and who could argue because in fact we are sometimes stupid silly people that do not think and just do but I am glad that God sent a Lamb to redeem me! So glad that He shows so much grace even when I am stupid and too silly to realize that it is there waiting for me. Isn't it awesome to serve a God that is so merciful and is there holding us when we can not quite see straight. Do you ever really think about how wide and how deep His love is for you! I know I forget, its hard for me to forgive myself sometimes but if He can forgive me,  who am I not to forgive myself. And if I can not love myself, how am I suppose to love others. This is just me rambling this morning!

Hope every one's day is a blessing! 


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