Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 82

So I was wondering what I wanted to talk about today and as I was walking my dog outside this morning, I remembered that a few years ago what great fear that would have caused me. To be outside, alone, in the dark, I was so overcome by fear. But God brought me out of that fear. There are still fears that I face daily in my inner life. And instead of looking what the good is in it, I sometimes seem to focus on what scares me. I don't look at what can be once that fear is conquered as well. I mean if God had not helped me conquer my fear of the dark then I wouldn't see the beauty in the stars when I gaze up each morning. I appreciate the stars more because of the fear that used to be in my life. So I know that the things I face right now that I fear will in fact one day be great because I learned to conquer those things in my life and I am on my to becoming what God wants to be in this life!



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