Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

I played with condensed milk today and a fancy cup! My memory of condensed milk is my mom opening a can and letting us eat it by the spoonfuls as a child. I loved that stuff. I would go get just cream snowballs when I was a child because I loved it so much. At any rate I love this stuff but as an adult it is too sweet for my taste, a little goes a long way unless on a snowball.

Speaking of snowballs, I am longing for my summer days today. I was not made for these cold, dreary days of winter. I think the Lord knew that I should be born in this wonderful southern state because he knew I needed a lot of sunshine in my life. Sunshine and warmth give me energy, where cold dreary days make me want to curl up under a blanket and I like to be active more than sitting around so I don't like this at all.

So enough on that. Another note on my Bible reading this week. I was reading the story of Cain and Abel this week also (I finished the New Testament in my project to read my Bible through this year and now am on the Old Testament).  Genesis 4:9 "And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?"  Okay now Cain I know you did not just talk back to God, as a parent I see the parallel of me asking my kids something and getting a smart aleck remark back. When I read this scripture and thought about it, I began to question how many times have I done this to my loving Savior. Kara you know you were not very nice the other day to the store clerk, I think maybe you should apologize but instead of listing to that little small voice I decide to ignore that store clerk and not go to her line on purpose to avoid having to apologize for my actions. Basically I was saying but I don't want too, she started it, just like a child but in the end He won. I went to that line and I apologized and she didn't even remember the event, lets be honest it probably happens a lot but I knew that I did not show forth the christian fruit that I should and so I am glad that I did apologize even though she did not remember. I was being disrespectful of what God wanted me to do. It was for my benefit that I apologize not hers. I know this probably sounds crazy but for the people who know me you will understand that this drove me crazy to know that I was ugly to this poor clerk at the store. This might be totally far fetched but hey its the way my mind works so I just go with it and learn something from it.

It really drives me crazy when my kids talk back but I want to be a calm, firm parent that shows kindness even in my discipline towards them. I can not stoop to there level and them respect me. So I calmly ask for God to give me the strength, direction, patience and self control in dealing my children.

Have a blessed day! (You may ignore everything if you think I think I am crazy) :)
And here is the rest of my session:


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