Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43

Found some peso's I got while in Mexico 3 years ago.  Seems like forever ago and so many things have changed since that trip. I look back and wonder why in some areas but then look to other areas and see such growth from that experience.  Well life is a season of change, some good, some bad and well some just plan normal. I don't always like the change that I see in this life, sometimes I just want things to say the same but I know that life isn't that way at all. And then something starts to change in my life and I see all the beauty in it, all the growth that lead up to it. Growth what an amazing place! Growth brings about amazement, wondering, and even the Oh My's but all in all if we walk according to the steps directed by our Savior growth is an amazing thing in our lives.

Have an amazing day my friends!


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