Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

As I  was walking by this little gift I received from a friend awhile back,  I decided I would photograph it today.

She gave it to me in a time in my life where I had a lot of fear and very lack of trust in my Savior. She told me that every time I saw it she wanted me to remember the scripture about God taking care of the birds of the air so why wouldn't He take care of me.

It has helped me through the years, on days when I am anxious and have doubt in my heart, maybe thinking I can do more than He can. Why do we even think that way? Why can't we remember how deep and wide His love is for His children. We would not let any harm come to our children so why would He, the most gracious Savior, who came to earth robed in  flesh so that we could LIVE ever not take care us! He does and he loves us very much. And as I pass this in my kitchen daily I remember how much He loves me.

She is a dear friend that I love very much and owe a gratitude of thanks too for loving me and enduring all my babble through the years. Thank you my dear friend for loving me, praying for me and for just being you!

Remember God loves you and your are beautiful to Him!

Below is just another version of the same picture!


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