Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23


My baby was gone all weekend and she came back with some play-doh and wanted me to watch her make a pizza so I took it as a good opportunity for my photo today.

Yes the house was quiet this weekend without my youngest and the very joyous (loud) way about her. People sometimes ask if I enjoy it when one of my children are gone but to be honest for a few hours it is nice but I miss the normality of my house when my children are away. Yes it stresses me when they fight but its worth having to deal with that to enjoy my children when they are getting along and loving each other the way I know they truly do down in their hearts. And I know one day that they will grow out of the fighting and grow out of the loudness and I will probably miss it. I know people say they wont but you will one day miss the innocents of  your children and wish for those times once again. So I hope I can stop and recognize those moments that I will cherish when my kids are grown.

Cherish the moments with your children today.


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