Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26

Well today I got a mirror out and decided I was gonna work on some reflection photos but in the end the above photo is the one I picked for my image for today. I just love the colors and little pieces of the other chalk on the ends. It is just a fun photo and I like fun photos. I will post some more of what I did below but all in all I love this photo.


What do you see?
Have you ever really thought about it?
Do you see the person on the outside?
Or do you reflect on the person on the inside?

Just a little thought for today.

As I have been praying about knowledge in God so far this year he has showed me things on my inside that I don't really like very much but that is part of growing to know Him. I want to be changed by Him this year. I want my inside and out to reflect Him in my life. Even if its just me that sees the change then it is worth the journey that I am setting out on this year. Setting out to know Him is me having to learn what He doesn't like in order to see how much He did for me at Calvary. I stand amazed everyday as I learn more and find myself surrendering all to him. I want to stand before him one day and hear those wonderful words "Well done my good and faithful servant".  Seems so hard at times to think you could hear those words when we fail so much but that is why I am so thankful for His grace in my life not that it gives me liberty to do as I want but to know that if I do in some way mess up that He gives me grace and mercy to return to His loving arms. Some days it seems I run to Him a lot but I am glad that He is there and I can find comfort in His arms.

Hope everyone has an amazing day and run to the comfort of your Saviors arms, He is waiting!


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