Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25

Another photo challenge...blessing or alternate tiny but buttons are both. They are a blessing because without them how would we keep some of our clothes on our bodies and well they are cute added to any hair accessory.

What is on my mind today?


Old ones have faded out of my life
New ones were gained
Some of the friendships have just changed over the years.

But through a journey of so called losing and gaining friends I have discovered that friends are cherished and when they are gone they are missed greatly. We in a way mourn the loss of a friendship because they held a special part of our lives and it seems without them we are not the same. Why are friendships lost? I guess there are many reason, we go opposite directions, we hurt one deeply by an action that maybe we could have changed or maybe just maybe God is doing the separating. Not saying that these people are bad but that there is a time and season for everything and that means friendships as well. Sometimes we have to walk away and see if our lives are made better by the friendship or worse. It is hard to say sometimes because the great times we have with our friends make all the rough times well worth it. How do you feel about your friends? Can you be honest with them or do you have stay hush hush so you don't hurt their feelings? Do they know how you truly feel about them? I know that not all of our friends will know everything we think about them or is it good for them too. But I hope that if I am doing something and my friend sees the error of my ways that she would know I love her enough to accept what she is telling me and actually look from her point of view on the matter. And I hope when I need advice she will be honest with me.

What do you do when friendship is lost for your children? What sensitive hearts they carry, they love so deeply. They get angry and they say you are not my best friend but deep down they know how much they truly love that person. They ache just as we ache and how do you reach into their hearts to tell them everything is going to be okay and that some friends come and some friends go throughout this life. Sometimes we as parents see a friend that is going to be a hindrance to our children and we have to step in and separate them. And our children feel we are keeping them from people they love but deep down we know that it is the best thing for them. Parenting is hard but a great part of our lives. I hope my children understand that what I do is for their best interest and to protect them. I hate seeing my kids hurt at the loss of friendship in their lives and I don't always have the right words that they want to hear or to make them feel better. Sometimes I have to let them cry and be a shoulder to cry on but that is so hard for a mother to do when you want to take all their pain away but their comes a time when we cant do that anymore and they have to start dealing with their emotions. So I go to prayer asking God how to help my kids deal with their emotions. I know the feeling of lost friendship and it is just a big ache within your heart and I wish my children never had to feel that ache but this is life. And in life we will have aches and I just pray that those aches draw my children closer to Jesus!

Thanks for reading. :)


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