Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20

Cookie cutters.....just thought I would see what I could do with them.

Love can be......

a feeling
a choice
a duty

It can be so many things.

Walking in hard that can be at times. We have days where we really need to feel loved  and every where we turn it feels as though love is far beyond our reach. We search and when we can not find it, we become cranky and we find every ones faults but fail to look at our own. We need to feel something and no one is around to give us what we are so desperately searching for and we scream fill my  need! When in reality they are not responsible for that because when we walk in love meaning we love others and not care so much about ourselves, we seem to feel that love more from others in our life. Are they reacting to our love or maybe by simply choosing to love we feel God in a deeper way and that is why we are more satisfied on those days. .

I know that we are human and it is very hard some days to simply walk in love! But I hope on days like that, that I do not fail to remember that my joy, my feelings do not stem from that other person but from me and my walk with God.

 I mean lets get real, we are having a bad day and everyone is trying to make you happy show you love. But its just a bad day and no one every does anything right on bad days. That is the days that I really need to hit my knees so that I can once more feel that love that is always there, always reaching for me!

God's love is always there, it never changes!


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