Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24

Well this week one of the blogs I am following suggested a theme of soothing repetition so I decided to photograph one of the guitars I had lying around the house. Yes everyone but me has one! I love the sound of an acoustic guitar but rarely get to here it around here. They are really just dust collectors but make a lovely object to photograph.

We had some awesome services at church this weekend. So amazed by Gods awesome power and I know that He did a great work in the hearts of many last night. I sure needed it.

 I taught a lesson on fruits of the spirit in Kidz Church Wednesday and pretty much failed on everyone since that time. I guess that is how it works or that's what I here. I can just hear that little voice trying to convince me that I shouldn't teach because I can not even follow what I just taught those kids but you know what we are human and we will all have bad days and that is why we have the grace of God to see us through. And I hope that as those kids grow they realize that they will make mistakes and not always show forth the fruit they should in this life but that its okay because God is there to catch us when have fallen and He helps us back up again. I try to remind my self of that and teach my children that as well. You are never to far gone to feel God's love and for him to say I have been here waiting on you to reach for me once more. I love you my child!

Hope you have a wonderfully amazing evening!


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